Minggu, 25 Desember 2016


Why should anyone who wants to be successful required hard work? Because success is something that needs to be fought. If we want to successfully build a business, we need to work hard to make it happen.

The hard work that has many meanings. Most people understand the word hard work in the narrow sense, namely working hard.

However, in reality, meaning it was too shallow. The hard work of successful people is not the same meaning hard working people who have not been successful. Where does it matter?

The most significant difference lies in the scale of priorities and areas of work. Successful people work on a priority basis, only activities that could potentially produce massiflah success that will be emphasized, while other routine activities come second. And successful people are always working hard in the area of strategic, rather than technical. It's the difference between a successful person with those who have not been successful.

The successful people who on average are a business owner, are those who work in the area of business, rather than technical. He is a strategic thinker, and working hard in that area (strategic areas). While those who have not been successful (still learning to build a business or employee level), will always be stuck in the technical activities, or things that are routine and programmed over the long term.

Successful people work hard in a different area with people who have not been successful, such an order of priority, they are always working hard to sort where the activity is very important and urgent and which are less important and not urgent.

Who says that successful people do not need to work hard? They work hard can be doubled and even tripled from us. But do not be mistaken, their hard work more towards thinking (business) and not the implementation of the (technical).

They are always looking for new opportunities that could potentially generate greater profits. They worked hard in the strategic thinking of looking for a relationship to be mendayaungkit (leverage) businesses. Hard work is a successful businessman is strategic rather than technical. They are often looking for networking to a variety of communities, participate in exhibitions, participate in charity activities to participate in various business seminars to increase knowledge and new relationships.

The hard work towards successful people thought and not something physical. As Thomas Alva Edison once said "THINK IS THE MOST DIFFICULT JOB, THAT'S WHY DO SO FEW PEOPLE WHO" This means that successful people do work hard in the level of thought, and it's not an easy job. Few people want to do the activity of thinking, because it's a tough job. The hard work is surely, as surely as the people of life for people who are still alive. If we want to succeed, it must be hard work, not to be lazy.

Must be resilient to fatigue, patient in saturation and boredom. Look around us, they are all hard workers were outstanding. The poor, the middle and the rich all hard workers, but the level of their hard work are very different. It is very difficult in today got more but do not want tired. Because of this era of competition is already razor-sharp, if you do not want to be knocked out and fell hard work by those who are willing to work hard. Wherever we work, whatever profession we have, with whoever we partner and work, whatever our background, the hard work that we must do for the sake of our future success. Actually, the hard work was not as hard as we think. If we as an employee, working for 8 hours every day, it already qualifies as a hard-working employee.

Your origin focus on the quality of the work, not the quantity of work hours. Hard work also means very tiring, memaksaka themselves outside capabilities. It was not hard work, but work self-destructing. Anyone would fall ill if it works the way like that. Working hard is good is focused, has a high priority and oriented on results, not process.

If you are a professional who has been berkomiten per day doing closing the sale is one, then every day you must achieve a sale with hard work. Maybe you do multiply the visit in order to get a better chance of success, it is working hard on the side of the quantitative (amount), but the change straegi with hard work towards kaulitatif (quality of presentation).

In other words, the hard work here has two properties, in terms of quantity (amount) or quality (quality)? Working hard in terms of numbers is the general meaning of hard work, it means looking for prospects as much as we can. This is generally done in the insurance industry and other networking companies. But the hard work is best to think how mencapatkan best strategy to make presentations. It is better known by working smarter. So keep doing the hard work, but the level prioritasny


KERJA KERAS ITU KEBUTUHAN, BUKAN KEWAJIBAN BAGI MEREKA YANG INGIN SUKSES Mengapa setiap orang yang ingin sukses wajib kerja keras? Karena sukses itu sesuatu yang perlu diperjuangkan. Jika kita ingin sukses membangun bisnis, kita perlu kerja keras untuk mewujudkannya.

Kerja keras itu memiliki banyak arti. Sebagian besar orang memahami kata kerja keras dalam arti sempit, yaitu kerja yang keras. Namun, pada kenyataannya, makna itu terlalu dangkal. .

Kerja keras orang sukses tidak sama dengan makna kerja keras orang yang belum sukses. Dimana bedanya? .

Perbedaan yang paling signifikan terletak pada skala prioritas serta area kerjanya. .

Orang sukses bekerja berdasarkan prioritas, hanya aktivitas yang berpotensi hasilkan kesuksesan massiflah yang akan diutamakan, sementara aktivitas rutin lainnya dinomorduakan. .

Dan orang sukses juga selalu bekerja keras di area startegis, bukan teknis. Ini yang membedakan antara orang sukses dengan orang yang belum sukses. .

Para orang sukses yang rata-rata adalah pemilik usaha, adalah mereka yang selalu bekerja di area bisnis, bukan teknis. Ia pemikir strategis, dan bekerja keras di area itu (area strategis). .

Sementara orang yang belum sukses (masih belajar membangun bisnis atau level karyawan), akan selalu terjebak dalam aktivitas teknis, atau segala sesuatu yang bersifat rutin dan terprogram secara jangka panjang. .

Orang yang sukses bekerja keras di area yang berbeda dengan orang yang belum sukses, demikian pada skala prioritas, mereka selalu bekerja keras untuk mensortir mana aktivitas yang sangat penting dan mendesak dan mana yang kurang penting dan tidak mendesak. .

Siapa bilang orang sukses tak perlu kerja keras? Mereka bekerja keras bisa dua kali lipat bahkan tiga kali lipat dari kita. Namun jangan salah kaprah, kerja keras mereka lebih kearah pemikiran (bisnis) dan bukan pelaksanaan (teknis). .

Mereka selalu mencari peluang baru yang berpotensi hasilkan profit lebih besar. Mereka bekerja keras dalam berpikir untuk mencari relasi strategis hingga bisa mendayaungkit(leverage) bisnisnya. .

Kerja keras pebisnis sukses adalah bersifat strategis dan bukan teknis. Mereka seringkali mencari networking ke berbagai komunitas, mengikuti pameran, ikut dalam kegiatan amal hingga mengikuti berbagai seminar bisnis untuk menambah ilmu serta relasi baru.

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